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How to avoid algae getting clogged inside the water pipes of the pumps while pumping water? 

Just cut the paddy straws into small pieces and bundle them in gunny bag, then immerse them into the algae infested well. Through this way we can avoid algae entering the water pipes and damaging the motors. 

This is practiced by Mr. P. Vellaimaya thevar from Madurai (Tamilnadu, India) 

Mr. P. Vellaimaya thevar
Kinnimangalam, Madurai
Mobile No: 9942016696

How to use tulsi as pesticide and insecticide?

Take ¼ kg of the tulsi leaves and soak them in water for the whole night. Then the next day, grind them into fine paste and dilute them in 9 litres of water. Better add some khadi soap solution into the mixture and spray it over an acre of land. Being a medical herb, it will ward of the flying insects and pests in the field. This wont be a permanent solution, hence the process of spraying on the field must repeat as the infestation is noticed.

Feeding procedure for cow inorder to gain sustainable milk production

If 25-30 kg of green fodder is feed depending upon the weight of the animal, then the cow can yield 6-8 litres of milk per day. The green fodder basically consists of cereals and leguminous fodder such as hedge Lucerne, stylo, cow pea, desmodium etc.

Cereal fodder — 10-15 kg per day
Legume fodder — 8-10 kg per day
Dry fodder — 3-4 kg per day

Two or a week before the artificial insemination the animal need to be given an additional feed of about 1.5-2 kg concentrated feed as flushing ration and 60-90 days before calving. The pregnant cows have to be given 1.5-2kg of concentrated feed for the proper growth of foetus.

Asafoetida used to boost crop yield

Asafoetida can be used to increase the yield of ribbed gourd and moringa trees. Just tie about 1 kg of asafoetida in a gunny bag and keep it at the entrance of the irrigation channel. While irrigation, the Asafoetida powder will carried off slowly by the water. It’s also used to prevent nematode attacks, and this method is practiced in many places.

For more details on this method, contact: Mr. K.M. Chellamuthu at Karukkamapalaym village, Oonchalur post, Kodumudi via, Erode district in Tamil Nadu, phone: 04204-266127, mobile: 9486602389. 

How to control the Rhinoceros beetle in coconut? 

Take 5 kg of cow dung and mix 1 kg of castor oil to it with water. Now fill this contents in 4 pots and place it at the four corners of the farm land. This will act as a insect attractant and hence the beetle will get accumulated into these pots. After sometime we can cover the top with a lid and destroy the beetles soon or later. 

How to increase the pollination in coconut or mango farm?

Keep atleast five honey bee hive boxes per acre of the farm land. Through this way the pollination will take properly and also we get additional benefits by selling honey extracted from the hives. 

How to reduce the salinity of the land and make the soil fertile?

Make small pieces of palm leaves and spread them over the saline soil for 2-3 times. consequently the salinity of the soil gets reduces as well as the soil fertility is increased. 

For seed storage 

Take a new mud pot and rinse it with cow's urine. Dry the pot under shade for a day and then sundry them for 2-3 days. After this the pot can be used for storage of seeds. Through this manner the storage can be made long term of about 2 years without reduction in germination rate. 

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